Top Tips to design your artwork

Sharing a few tips and advice for preparing artwork before sending it to print. At MRP we always take the time to check any artwork supplied to us, offering the best advice if needed, I hope these help.


Don’t go overboard with your fonts, as a rule, limit them to 3 sizes – headings, sub headings and general text. Include all fonts when supplying artwork or embed them within PDFs. Try to avoid Truetype fonts.


Should be supplied as vectorised EPS files and set up as either Spot colours or CMYK depending on how they are going to be printed.

Images / Photos

Make sure your image is saved as 300dpi (please be aware, any enlargement of this image will reduce the dpi). This should also be set up as CMYK, do not leave it as RGB which is a PC format and not suitable for printing litho. Try not to use images found online as these will probably be low resolution.


Bleed is an essential part of creating your artwork, if any images or elements touch the edge of your page, 3mm bleed on each edge will need to be added to avoid any of your artwork being trimmed off.


Please be aware that colour can appear differently on screen to when it is printed. It is advisable to have a digital proof which allows you to check images, layout and colour. Alternately you can press pass your job at no extra cost. Set up all artwork as CMYK only unless using Spot Colours.

Proof Read

Finally it is important for you to proof read your project to make sure it is perfect and ready to go.  Get your colleagues to have a look with a fresh pair of eyes. We have an internal proof reader who also checks all your work and we preflight every job for you.

If we has missing anything out or you are unsure about anything, please don’t hesitate to contact us directly where we will be happy to explain any of the above.

Image from:

In PrintWeek’s Top 500 Companies again

We are really proud to be named as one of the top 500 printers in the UK again for 2016 by PrintWeek. Building on over 47 years of experience, we pride ourselves on our professional service and the long term relationships we build with both our customers and our loyal team. We feel we are small enough to remain personal but large enough to provide a professional standard of service.

Sharing some interesting printing facts and figures:

  • £600 Million – spent in Capital Investment
  • The UK is the World’s fifth largest producer of printed products
  • £13.5 Billion – Turnover
  • 122,000 – Employees
  • £750 Million – Positive Trade Balance
  • £6.1 Billion – Gross Value Added
  • 8,600 – Companies in the UK

Please see and for more information.